At D3NTS our services range from the slightest of annoying dings to the more significant of dents and panel damage.
Our Services.
Access behind the damage is key and this can be hindered by numerous obstructions. However, if it is possible, we can do it! Please remember, if the repair isn’t possible there is no charge whatsoever and should this be the case we work closely with trusted partners for more extensive repairs ensuring peace of mind in any case. Panel damage can come in many forms. Please see the types of damage listed below for further information.

Synonymous with a car door being opened on your vehicle, these can vary in significance. Our methods of process including crosschecking ensures a factory finish and our expertise with gaining access to such damage means if it can be done, we can do it!

As with vertical but often more significant, the horizontal crease can be rectified with a similar process but offering up various angles of approach. In any case, crosschecking is key to an absolute finish.

These can be a real eyesore. Suffering more obscure dents and dings resulting in a multifaceted area of damage can be more extensive to rectify. Applying the same methods and procedures but from a more varied perspective ensures the desired results.

The result often being multi panel damage on a large scale consisting of multiple small dents with each point of damage needing attention like any other. In many cases, hail damaged vehicles can be an insurance write-off but Paintless Dent Removal can offer an attractive alternative to expensive insurance claims.

Leaving a perfectly round indentation on your panel or multiple panels, these can often leave smaller dents in their wake due to several points of impact from that rogue football or wayward golf ball.

You may be the unfortunate victim of unscrupulous vandal damage. The result can be vast significant damage commonly across the bonnet, roof and boot panels. These can be extensive to repair but we are proud to accomplish perfect results on a regular basis.

Common causes of dents
With the ever growing demand to optimise spaces within an area, it seems to be that car park spaces are becoming too small, creating opportunities for your car to pick up more damage. Ironically, even if you park at the furthest point away, you can be sure that when you return there will be a car either side of yours.
Double trouble here! Not only can you find your car the victim of a rogue trolley but the inconsiderate drivers to the side of you have opened the doors of their unloved car/van on to yours without a thought or care in the world.
These can cause an array of damage if the trolley travels at speed and is weighted by shopping. Leaving both horizontal and vertical dents at the same time, not to mention paintwork and additional panel damage
We are regularly contacted by members of the golf society and clubs alike due to stray golf balls making their way to the car park, sometimes causing multiple dents as they bounce from car to car and panel to panel.
Types of Materials
Mainly the panel choice for the more expensive marques out there. This is worked slightly different to steel as aluminium work hardens meaning the more you work the affected area the molecules tighten up. This is where heat comes in, it can look a little scary if you have never seen this process performed but this is an important stage as it relaxes the molecules back allowing us to push the next stages of the damage and may be repeated several times throughout our process.
The most common choice for vehicle manufacturers due to the cost. Steel unlike aluminium is far easier to work due to the stresses and DNA but may be heated up also from time to time to allow the metal to become malleable. Heat may also be applied due to thermal conditions and severity of damage.
Not always repairable.

A very common cause of stone chips from tailgating or the dent being too sharp that the paint no longer wants to adhere to the surface, the object that caused the damage was high impact or sharp. In the worst case, poorly skilled PDR companies attempts a repair resulting in more extreme paint damage. In normal cases we are able to lift the depth of the damaged area changing the appearance and aspect of the dent in order for touching up. However, we cannot change the appearance in many cases of a poor repair or highly stretched dent.

With many manufacturers looking to produce a more economical and environmentally friendly footprint when manufacturing a model, we have seen more and more following in the footsteps with the use of composite material to make up the shape of the original steel/aluminium panels, thus creating the desired result at a reduced weight and cost.

Although beautiful in every way, not always the easiest to work on as a very high percentage of these have been restored with the use of fillers and sometimes leading whilst also having age related products that they are made from and finished in. These types of cars need to be assessed prior to removing any tools from the bag and normally the owner knows every inch of their pride and joy. We regularly perform our skill set at classic car shows.
In certain circumstances where we are unable to carry out the repair, we like to accommodate our customers where possible which is why we partner with fellow like-minded trusted professionals such as….
- Bodyshop repair
- Mechanics
- Auto electricians
- Tyre fitters
- Paint protection
- Interior repairs and refurbishment
- Alloy wheel refurb
- Vehicle wrapping
- Windscreen repair
- Window tinting
- Alloy wheel refurb
- Detailing/Valet
Get in Touch
Contact us by submitting the online enquiry form or by calling us.